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About The Owner


Hi, I am Camille Hereth, a Certified Counselor (CL 60267779) who specializes in working with women and families.  I have been a counselor for over a decade, and have worked primarily in social services and high risk populations with a lot of postpartum work weaved in there as well. A lot of my training has been on trauma, postpartum mood disorders and human sexuality.  I am also a certified parent coach through the evidence based parenting program, The Incredible Years and provide parenting classes to families.


 My theraputic approach is to use motivational interviewing, narative therapy, somatic embodiment, mindfulness and an overall holistic approach in working alongside women in helping them find balance in all areas of their life.  I am  solutions focused when I work with individuals and may recommend other healing modalities such as somatic body movement, reiki or supplements .  As well as being a counselor, I am trained in reiki and can incorporate that into sessions periodically to help increase relaxation, reduce stress, tension and pain in the body.  


I support women who:


  • Have children who are neurologically diverse

  • Identify as highly sensitive and/or an empath

  • Are experiencing Post Partum Depression or Post Partum Anxiety

  • Struggle with PTSD

  • Experience sexual issues or sexual incompatibility 

  • struggle with self worth, and taking care of themselves

  • Experience parental overwhelm and stress

  • Burnout or Compassion Fatigue

  • Experiencing a spiritual awakening 


I am seeing clients in person or via tele-health.  In my spare time you will find me reading, drawing mandalas, hiking, camping and working in my garden.   

Our Story

Women and Family Wellness Studio is a behavioral health agency that provides services to the general public as well as provides social services.

 We opened doors 1/28/18, and a lot has changed since that date.  Let’s start at the beginning.  We originally opened under the name Camille Marie Coaching.  At that time, the owner, Camille Hereth was the only person, and the only service we offered was parent coaching, hence, the name.  The original business model was to provide in home evidence-based parenting classes to the general public, as well as through a contract Camille had with DCYF to families involved with CPS, foster care and post adoptive.  Prior to the business opening, Camille had worked in social services as a counselor and teaching parenting classes for over a decade.  She wanted to continue that line of work, while also expanding to offer the classes to more people after seeing how well the combination of counseling with parenting classes had provided a wraparound approach to families and felt like that kind of support should not be limited to just families involved in social services.


After a year or so, Camille added a few more parent educators to the team to help teach more parenting classes and the business grew.  After another year, Camille began to see trends of parents taking the baby parenting classes needing more support than just the classes.  As a counselor who specializes in perinatal mood disorders, she saw this as an opportunity to provide a combination of psychoeducation around mental health, (postpartum mood disorder screenings) combined with hands on in home help, (meals, helping other siblings adjust, light cleaning, etc) combined with educational information for new parents.  And so, the In Home Postpartum Support Program was designed to include all of those things for parents.


A few years after that, Covid happened.  And the need for mental health support blew up.  And so, Camille added a few counselors on staff.  By this time, the agency had grown, and the mission had grown so far beyond just parenting classes.  The business name  was changed to better fit what the agency had become, and Women and Family Wellness Studio was born.  Today, WFWS offers parenting classes, counseling, yoga, reiki, and workshops on all things parenting and personal development. 


More about what we do.  WFWS contracts with WA State providing counseling and parenting classes to families involved with DCYF, foster care, and post adoption.  WFWS also contracts with the DOC providing evidence-based parenting classes and counseling to individuals who were incarcerated and are now home with their children and/or on sentencing alternatives.  Camille contracts with the UW The Alliance where she is a Neurodivergent and Trauma Informed Care Specialist (insert link).  This means that she creates and provides trainings for foster parents in WA state on topics relating to these areas, (insert links) as well as provides support to foster parents in these areas as needed.  We contract with Stilly Valley Health Connections where we frequently offer workshops and support groups for free on parenting and all things mental health and adulting.  If you can’t catch the workshops there, we offer them for a low fee on our website (insert link).  We are always looking for more opportunities to contract with our community to partner with others who want to be a part of our mission, to help others.  If you are interested in partnering with us, please contact Camille (link here). 



Staff at WFWS come from a wide range of backgrounds, and together, we make up an incredibly dynamic, caring, compassionate, powerful group of women.  We are a trauma informed agency that is an ally of the BIPOC and LBGTQ+ communities.  One thing very unique about us, is that the majority of our services are provided in family’s homes, or online (yes, even before covid, we ran a lot of our supports online).  We are always looking for more ways to partner with families to meet their needs, and are always willing to think outside of the box to make that happen. 

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