Baby Classes Info
Baby Class Parent Coaching Series Weekly Topics For Children Ages Birth to Eight Months of Age. We have 8 total weeks with one session each week that is 60-90 minutes. Throughout classes we will continuously review your baby’s developmental milestones.

Weeks One and Two
Getting To Know Your Baby. Reviewing the many ways babies communicate their needs, understanding their cues, and how parents can cope with the many demands of newborns.
Understanding the meaning of your babies different cries
explore how you feel when your baby cries
review the importance of cuddling and rocking for you and your baby
deciding when your baby is sick and what to do if she is
Parents worries (understanding normal skin bumps, bowel movements, soft spots, baby position for sleeping
Feeding, burping baby
Communicating with your baby using non verbal communication; how far your face is from your baby, singing, talking and reading to your baby.
Parents getting sleep and support
Deciding on your baby’s activity needs
Diaper changing
Amount of stimulation your baby needs and how you can tell
How to get caught up on sleep for parents

Week Three
Babies as Intelligent Learners. Reviewing the many benefits of talking to babies for brain growth and development as well as healthy bond and attachment
Learning the importance of mirroring and mimicking each other
Learning the importance of “parentese”, speaking to your child in that sing song-y voice and what it does for their brain development.
Talking and playing with your baby; classic baby games that promote brain growth and bonding.
The value of connecting family heritage in songs and books with your baby
Identifying your support system
Self soothing techniques for babies
Parent communication

Weeks Four and Five
Providing Physical, Tactile and Visual Stimulation. Learning the benefits of physical, tactile and visual stimulation for baby’s brain development.
Bathing and massaging your baby
Baby Aerobics; tummy time, head lifts, arm and leg exercises in play, practicing baby massage
Walking and standing time for physical stimulation
Encouraging sitting and pulling up to sitting or standing
Providing visual stimulation
The importance of floor time; how to do this in a safe and engaging way for baby with and without you
Reading to your baby for visual and tactile stimulation
Fun baby games and songs to do with your baby
Involving siblings in baby play
Learning the difference between under and over stimulation and how to make sure your baby has the right amount of stimulation.
Babies cries of over and under stimulation.

Week Six
Parents Learning To Read Babies Minds. Exploring the value in meeting babies many needs to experience security and learning to trust in order to strengthen attachment which strengthens over the early years.
Learning cues for your babies likes and dislikes based on how they engage in their environment
Learning new cues from your baby
Calming your baby during crying, and how to calm yourself when baby won’t stop crying.
What to do with a fussy baby
Bedtime routines for babies
Identifying the difference between temperament and personality, identifying yours and your baby’s and how it impacts how you relate to one another
What parents can do to refuel their energy

Week Seven
Parents Gaining Support for Themselves. Exploring the value in parents getting support for themselves.
Review baby proofing safety checklist for your home
How you can share with family members to stay in touch with baby’s growth and development
Explore ways parents can connect with one another
REview positive self-statements
Establishing routines for parents and babies
Important tips for when leaving babies with other

Weeks Eight and Nine
Babies Emerging Sense of Self
Key principles of introducing solids to babies
Avoiding food fights
Promoting self feeding and drinking
Deciding about weaning
Learning to crawl
Standing up
Baby and animal safety
Babies learning object permanence
Combining visual and verbal communication signals
Learning baby sign language
Nap time signals and routines
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Send us an email and we will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.
We look forward to hearing from you.
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